Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Starting the Journey

Zech. 4:10 "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin..." (NLT)

I've begun the journey to publication.  It's a journey I have been dreaming about for over twenty years.  I used to think I could write a story, submit it to a publisher and be on my way, but I've found there is so much more to publishing a book than meets the eye. I am just starting to scratch the surface of all that there is to know.  It's daunting and exhilarating, all at the same time. 

This blog is home to my journey.  I want to be realistic, as well as wildly hopeful.  I want to dream, learn and grow on this journey.  I fully intend to look back at the beginning of my blog someday and laugh at my ignorance and my lack of knowledge, knowing how far I have come.  I will be able to see how much I have accomplished and where my dreams have brought me.  But I have to start at the beginning, as all of us do.  An old Chinese Proverb says that a journey of a thousand miles must start with the first step. 

How long will this journey to publication take?  I don't know, but I do know that God has placed this desire in my heart and in His good timing all things will work together.  My prayer is that He will bring to me what I need to know at the right time; His time.  Who knows what will happen then? 

So here's to the journey of a lifetime.  My journey to publication.


  1. Welcome!!!!! So...what are you writing? At the moment I'm doing a study of The Art of War for Fiction writers online, you are more than welcomed to join us.

    1. Hello, Jennette! I have "The Art of War" requested at the library, but I would love to look into a study online. Let me know more!

      My genre is Christian Historical Fiction. My first draft is complete (123,000 words), but I have a LOT of editing and polishing to do. At this point I am studying all I can about the craft so I can clean it up. I look forward to staying connected with you.


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